Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"I remember criticizing him for leaving my car door unlocked. He asked me if I believed my mother whenever she would tell me that 'all things happen for a reason.' I told him that I did. 'Listen to her, then,' he responded. 'Change your vibes. Stop creating reasons for your car to get broken into.'"
-Victor L. Wooten - The Music Lesson

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Firefox People vs Internet Explorer People:
"Firefox users are slightly more likely to be male (55 percent) than Internet Explorer users (50 percent). In addition, compared to IE users, Firefox users more likely to have annual household incomes of at least $75,000. Firefox users are significantly younger: They are 69 percent more likely than IE users to be between the ages of 18-24. Firefox users are more likely to be tech-savvy, educated, and engaged with user-generated content."


By the way, I use Firefox. ;)

More from News For User.

"We make a living by what we got. We make a life by what we give."
-Winston Churchill

"Don't let it get you down, don't ever be afraid.
Respond and take control, stare affliction in the face.
When life drags you down, you need only step back up.
Challenges will be faced, but none are strong enough
to tear down your walls, keep them standing high.
Evil should never hold you, despite how it will try.

In this land of bought and sold, stand higher than most I do.
Let everyone everywhere be told, listen here to the truth.
Positivity is the key, a happy life is the reward.
Yet many will not see, the path to blessedness ignored.

Won't let it get me down, won't ever be afraid.
Responsibility has been taken, affliction has been weighed.
When life drags me down, I need only step back up.
All the challenges I'll face will never be enough
to tear down these these walls, they stand up, still high.
Evil will never hold me, despite how it will try.

In this land of bought and sold, stand higher than most I do.
Let everyone everywhere be told, listen here to the truth.
Positivity is the key, a happy life is the reward.
Yet many will not see, the path to blessedness ignored."

"Challenges are like gum stuck to your shoe. Most of the time you can get rid of it quickly, but sometimes the best way to purge it is to walk with it a while."

Friday, June 26, 2009

"You get more flies with honey than with venom."
-Louis Aponte

Friday, June 19, 2009

"Sometimes holding your ground is the quickest attack."

Saturday, June 6, 2009

"People have become so self-conscious because people have become so judgmental."

Friday, June 5, 2009

We all have habits, good and bad. I'll agree, sometimes some can become annoying. But you can't get mad. Why? Think of it this way: You do something over and over. Once you've done it so many times, your body says, "Hey, how about I do this automatically for you, so you don't even have to think about it?" Your subconscious mind then takes over from there. A habit is your body going into autopilot. It's just trying to save you precious thinking time (since we all think so much anyways...). So, don't get mad. Get autopilot. It rules.

Sean and I saw a group playing out at the friz course the other day. They had a small dog with them that had to be no larger than five pounds (guess) and looked like a little, brown fur ball running around. As the group walked away, we watched as the little fella comically trudged along after its masters, trying to keep up. The terrain on this particular hole was once engulfed by the river, so the ground is completely covered with smooth stones. The pup was obviously having a hard time navigating over the landscape. With a laugh and a smile, Sean turned to me and said, "There is no way that is a native animal."

Ever since this incident, I've found myself applying this idea whenever I see an animal. Many pets people own are obviously not made for our area, and it shows. And it's freaking hilarious. Give it a try.